On September 19, 2016, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) posted a notice on the Chemical Data Reporting website that it has amended the CDR regulations to extend the 2016 submission deadline from September 30, 2016, to October 31, 2016. According to the pre-publication version of the Federal Register notice for the final rulemaking, EPA received a request for an extension, citing problems with certain aspects of the electronic reporting system that...
September 15, 2016
CWA: EPA Settlement Telegraphs Changes to General Permit Coverage for Facilities with Coal Tar Sealed Pavement
On August 16, 2016, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reached a settlement in Clean Water Act (CWA) lawsuits filed over its 2015 Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) for Stormwater Discharges from Industrial Activities. 80 Fed. Reg. 34403 (June 16, 2015). The MSGP is the collective term for the CWA National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program’s general permits for stormwater discharges from industrial facilities spanning 29 sectors, including, but...
The Ministry of the Environment (MOE) published an amended version of the Act for the Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals (K-REACH) enforcement decree and enforcement rules, which have both entered into force. The amendments include some exemptions from reporting for new chemicals, and an extended 14-day grace period for substances used only for research and development (R&D) purposes. The final amendments do not include a proposal to remove a provision that states...
August 19, 2016
China Implements Requirements For Shipments From Zika-Infected Countries, Including The U.S., And Other Recent Chinese Regulatory Developments
China Implements Requirements For Shipments From Zika-Infected Countries, Including The U.S.: In March 2016, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection, and Quarantine (AQSIQ) began requiring all countries on its Zika-infected list to comply with disinsection requirements. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service’s (FAS) August 19, 2016, “Update on China’s Requirements for Shipments from Zika-Infected...
On July 28, 2016, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed to update the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Significant New Use Rule (SNUR) procedures. 81 Fed. Reg. 49598. As discussed in our previous memorandum on this proposed rule, Proposed Revisions to Significant New Use Rules Reflect Current Occupational Safety and Health Standards, while some of the proposed changes are not consequential, other changes, such as those related to workplace protections, are more clearly...
July 29, 2016
TSCA: Proposed Revisions to Significant New Use Rules Reflect Current Occupational Safety and Health Standards
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed on July 28, 2016, revisions to the regulations governing significant new uses of chemical substances under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) with revisions to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Hazard Communications Standard (HCS) occasioned by OSHA’s March 2012 final rule modifying the HCS to conform to the United Nations’ (U.N.) Globally Harmonized System of Classification and...
Scientists Issue Letter Criticizing EDC Criteria: On July 6, 2016, a group of 15 European and U.S. researchers wrote to the European Union’s (EU) Health and Food Safety Directorate, criticizing recent proposals for the identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC) under the Plant Protection Products (PPP) Regulation and the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR). The scientists addressed two major concerns relating to the proposed criteria: The...
On July 22, 2016, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) posted on its website the first four Section 5(a)(3) determinations for premanufacture notices (PMN) under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) as amended by the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act (Pub. L. No. 114-182) (new TSCA). All four of the new chemicals were determined to satisfy the “not likely to present an unreasonable risk” determination at Section 5(a)(3)(C). It is...
July 19, 2016
California Proposes First “Priority Products” under Safer Consumer Products Regulations
On July 15, 2016, the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) announced the release of its proposed regulation on children’s foam-padded sleeping products containing tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TDCPP) or tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP) as a Priority Product (PP) under the Safer Consumer Products Regulations (SCPR). DTSC first released information about this PP on March 13, 2014, so this proposed regulation is a major step in the SCPR process and...
July 19, 2016
California Proposes First “Priority Products” under Safer Consumer Products Regulations
On July 15, 2016, the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) announced the release of its proposed regulation on children’s foam-padded sleeping products containing tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TDCPP) or tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP) as a Priority Product (PP) under the Safer Consumer Products Regulations (SCPR). DTSC first released information about this PP on March 13, 2014, so this proposed regulation is a major step in the SCPR process and...