The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced on January 21, 2025, that it added five chemicals to the Candidate List of substances of very high concern (SVHC) and updated one entry:
Substance Name | Reason for Inclusion | Examples of Uses |
6-[(C10-C13)-alkyl-(branched, unsaturated)-2,5-dioxopyrrolidin-1-yl]hexanoic acid | Toxic for reproduction (Article 57(c)) | Lubricants, greases, release products, and metal working fluids |
O,O,O-triphenyl phosphorothioate | Persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) (Article 57(d)) | Lubricants and greases |
Octamethyltrisiloxane | Very persistent, very bioaccumulative (vPvB) (Article 57(e)) | Manufacture and/or formulation of: cosmetics, personal/health care products, pharmaceuticals, washing and cleaning products, coating and non-metal surface treatment, and in sealants and adhesives |
Perfluamine | vPvB (Article 57(e)) | Manufacture of electrical, electronic, and optical equipment and machinery and vehicles |
Reaction mass of: triphenylthiophosphate and tertiary butylated phenyl derivatives | PBT (Article 57(d)) | No active registrations |
Updated entry | ||
Tris(4-nonylphenyl, branched and linear) phosphite | Endocrine disrupting properties (Article 57(f) — environment) | Polymers, adhesives, sealants, and coatings |
ECHA states that its Member State Committee confirmed the addition of these chemicals to the Candidate List, which now has 247 entries. ECHA notes that some entries are groups of chemicals, so the overall number of impacted chemicals is higher. Candidate List chemicals may be placed on the Authorization List in the future. If a substance is on that list, its use will be prohibited unless companies apply for authorization and the European Commission (EC) authorizes them to continue its use.
Under the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals Regulation (REACH), companies have legal obligations when their substance is included — either on its own, in mixtures, or in articles — on the Candidate List. Suppliers of articles containing a Candidate List substance above a concentration of 0.1 percent (weight by weight) must provide their customers and consumers information on how to use the article safely. ECHA notes that consumers have the right to ask suppliers whether the products they buy contain SVHCs. Importers and producers of articles must notify ECHA if their article contains a Candidate List substance within six months from the date it has been included on the list (January 21, 2025). European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) suppliers of substances on the Candidate List, supplied either on their own or in mixtures, must update the safety data sheet (SDS) provided to customers.
Under the Waste Framework Directive, companies also have to notify ECHA if the articles they produce contain SVHCs in a concentration above 0.1 percent (weight by weight). ECHA will publish this notification in its database of substances of concern in products (SCIP). Under the EU Ecolabel Regulation, products containing SVHCs cannot have the ecolabel award.